In this masterful work, Rubi Ho brings together his insights from years of experience coaching executives and helping teams and individuals reach their highest potential. Every organization struggles with trying to turn around unhealthy relationships and performance situations. It’s among the hardest things to do. Rubi’s approach opens people up to where they know they […]

“Leadership” Performance…What’s That?
The vast majority of organizations I’ve worked with aren’t concerned about how well their individuals are doing their jobs, but how well they are leading people and taking care of their part of the business. Nine times out of ten, people don’t need intervention around how they perform their job; they need intervention around people […]

Emotion-LESS Decision Making
When does communication usually start to break down? It’s simple: When what we say or what we hear conflicts with what we’d like to hear or how we would like to be received. When we don’t like what we hear or how our communication is received, we start to shut down, form walls, and push […]

Are You “Part of the Solution” or “Part of the Problem”?
“At the start of my leadership engagements, I rarely, if ever, enter a company and work with large groups of employees. I always start in one specific area or with one specific leader. So initially, I am isolated from the rest of the organization. That said, I always hear about the value added individuals in […]

Become Your Own CEO
“Those with leadership presence act and carry themselves differently than most. They exude confidence and are comfortable in their own skin. Individuals who have leadership presence aren’t intimidated by title or position. They act like they belong in the room. They are articulate. They portray a CEO-like image. They act presidential. They know how to […]

Are You Relevant?
There are some simple truths about what makes for a value-added individual. For one, you must be viewed as more than a paper pusher. You must be seen as a contributor. Paper pushers are strictly transactional. They do only what they need to do and no more. They never push the envelope. They just show […]

The Line Between Doing What’s Right and Self-Preservation leadership must become the champions of promoting not only business health but leadership health.—From Many Parts, One Body, pg. 29. Have you ever disagreed with where your company was going? Did you speak up? Why or why not? Was the outcome positive or negative? For a few people, it’s easy. These folks don’t dwell […]

The Importance of Amplifying the “Good You”
All of us have natural self-preservation tendencies, and these tendencies are more pronounced when we feel threatened. We can become increasingly demanding, intimidating, and even blunt and outspoken when we feel we are not getting our way. Others become more passive, even passive-aggressive. You don’t have to be an expert to know what I’m talking […]