7 Ways to Maximize Your Team’s Talent (Team Relationship Series 5 of 5) Maximizing team talent is not as easy as simply pushing the ‘That Was Easy’ button. It’s complicated. There are many different variables that impact team performance and maximum output. Regardless, the goal is to always strive for the ideal, which is to […]

Maximizing Team Performance
Make AND take time to Assess and Evaluate Team Performance. It’s all too easy to get caught up in the ‘day to day’ business and simply spending all of your time‘putting out fires.’ Before you know it, the day, the week, the year is gone and you don’t know whether or not you and your […]

The Role of Leaders Around Change Sept 2019
THE ROLE OF LEADERS AROUND CHANGE It’s been said that change is the only constant that we have in life. If this is so, then why is it so difficult to embrace? I don’t know about you, but at least for me, I find that to be the case. Personally, I believe it’s because I […]
Supowers-re-released Sept 2019
SUPERPOWERS ARE REAL! DISCOVER YOURS NOW! Wonder Woman, Super Man, Iron Man, Thor, Batman, The Avengers…Super hero movies are taking the world by storm, bringing people of all ages to the box office and smashing sales records. Without a doubt, people love super heroes and the premise behind them. Who wouldn’t want to feel as […]

Organizational Health-Sep 2019
THE CRITICAL AREAS OF ‘ORGAN’IZATIONAL HEALTH We all have a responsibility – and vested interest – to help make our organization, teams and departments as healthy as possible. Being part of the same ‘organ,’ we all benefit and we all suffer whether we like it or not. Work stress is real and it comes home […]

Optimizing Team Relationships-Team Brand 3 of 5
Optimizing Team Relationships: Part 3 of 5 Promote and agree on your Team’s Brand: It’s all too easy for the whole team to get focused on doing the work and lose sight of how your team is perceived by the whole company in terms of being ‘easy to work with.’ To assess the current state, […]

MAXIMIZING THE TEAM RELATIONSHIP PART ONE OF FIVE (From Rubi Ho’s upcoming Book) …I intentionally saved the ‘Team Relationship’ section for last because the team relationship is the most complicated. Apart from your ‘boss relationship,’ it is with your team members that you will spend the most time with at work. In essence, they truly […]

Leadership Focus- Owning our Mistakes-July 2019
LEADERSHIP FOCUS: THE IMPORTANCE OF OWNING OUR MISTAKES I don’t know about you but I have many, many priorities . . . and many, many people I’m personally responsible for. It’s not an excuse, it’s a fact. Keeping track of different emails and texts can be a challenge, especially if people have common names and […]

Breaking Down the Silos-August 2019
Breaking Down The Silo’s Extreme silos exist when everyone is doing ‘their own thing,’ not thinking about the ramifications of their actions and decisions to other departments, and eventually results in‘bottle-necks,’ conflicting agendas, mis-alignment and eventually failed opportunities and initiatives within a company. What you get is a scene from West Side Story where the […]