
Trickle Down “Leadernomics” Good or Bad…It’s Guaranteed to Spread

You’ve heard of trickle-down economics. Well now there’s trickle-down leadernomics, a concept I literally just made up for this blog :). While a little tongue-in-cheek, trickle-down leadernomics aptly illustrates my point. Whatever kind of leadership is demonstrated at the top – good or bad – is guaranteed to be mimicked as role models throughout the […]

The Critical Difference Between Healthy and Unhealthy Convergence

I have yet to encounter a truly negative, bad intentioned human being. I’ve discovered that everyone, regardless of how unhealthy they might be acting, has good intentions behind their actions. The causes of the conflict usually arise from breakdown in communication or misaligned priorities… individuals are satisfying their (own) primary responsibilities, are protecting their “turf,” […]