Trust is a highly personal thing. And for many reasons beyond the scope of this blog, trust is crumbling in our society both personally and professionally. In fact, the unsettling reality is that broken trust has now reached epidemic proportions. PwC research reports that only 29% of Americans believe most people can be trusted, a […]
Category: Leadership Worth Sharing Blog

Power, Profit, Passion, Purpose…Which ‘P’ Matters Most?
In the world of business, I think we can all agree that ‘power and profit’ matters most to companies. And, with good reason. ‘Power’ signifies one’s market presence and influence while ‘profit’ validates company success and customer approval . . . all crucial components to the sustainability and viability of any business. So how does […]

Get to the ‘Heart of the Matter’ with 2 Powerful Questions
Have you ever been part of a leadership program that energized everyone with ‘feel good’ traction only to have it fade away in a matter of weeks? What happened? Didn’t we all leave with good intentions, make solid commitments, and agree to be different? The short answer is, ‘absolutely,’ but just like a new year’s […]

It’s Not About You But…About Us
Smeagol, in the Lord of The Rings trilogy, used to be normal, until he ‘succumbed to the ring.’ It’s an extreme example, but in many similar ways, we in corporate America also ‘succumb’ to our own version of ‘the ring.’ I call it the ‘Smeagol Syndrome.’ What are examples of the ‘Smeagol Syndrome?’ Here are […]

How to Drive ‘Better, Faster, Cheaper’ Without ‘Losing Your Soul’
I bet this title caught your eye!! And it should. Every organization I currently work with is struggling with how to drive bottom line growth . . . but not at the expense of the employees who got them there. Does this sound familiar . . . this new product needs released yesterday to scoop […]

How to Help Employees Accept Change
Change is always hard. It’s even harder when it’s not your choice. . . which is the case for 98% of company employees who have no ‘voting share’ in the change initiative. Think about it. Today’s corporate reality is that it’s usually only the C-Suite that make the decisions around change. And then it’s up […]

Is Your Team Both Healthy and Relevant?
5 Key Focus Areas that Separate Great Teams from the Mediocre Managing and leading teams is a tough business. Behind King Crab Fishing, it might be the toughest job you can find on planet earth! You have to deal with different personalities . . . Ensure the team is performing . . . Understand and […]

The ‘Capacity Pyramid’
Does this sound familiar? All of my time is spent ‘putting out fires’ and ‘burning platforms!’ I don’t have time to even breathe let alone keep up! ‘Innovate, optimize, grow!’ Yeah that all sounds great but how do you expect me to do that if I can barely even accomplish my ‘day to day’ responsibilities? […]

Better than a New Year’s Resolution…A ‘Life Map!’
This is the time of the year when we all turn reflective. We evaluate who we are, where we’ve been, and where we’re going. Sometimes this evaluation isn’t as positive as we might like. Hence, the topic of this blog. . . YOUR ‘life’s map.’ I personally didn’t create my life map until my mid-30’s, […]