Folks, this is a very personal topic for me and one that I feel quite passionate about. I wanted to share it with you, especially around this time of the year, because it contains my #1 secret to happiness and fulfillment over the last decade. I sincerely hope that you will read on and think […]
Category: Leadership Worth Sharing Blog

Are you an ‘Ideal’ Employee?
Finding and recruiting the ‘right’ employee is difficult, period. The bottom line is that it is NOT a ‘black and white’ process. Resumes and interviews can only do so much. No one really knows who is going to be a ‘rock star’ until you can actually see the person in action, real time. Right, wrong […]

Are You Ignoring Employee ‘Pain’? Learn the 10 Surefire Signs of Employee Restlessness!
Growing up, I spent most of my ‘play time’ outside. We played tag, climbed trees, made slingshots, and engaged in one of my more favorite things – ‘play fighting’ with my brothers and friends. No surprise, some of our ‘play fighting’ went a little too far actually injuring one another. Even as kids, we knew […]

You’ll Never Guess What Happened at My Last Executive Leadership Coaching Session!
I recently had the privilege of working with an executive leadership team in Denver, Colorado. As with most of my sessions, the task was to get everyone on the same page and moving in the same direction. While I’ve conducted hundreds of similar sessions over the course of my career, I must confess that I […]

The Fear of “Feedback”!
Let’s face it, we all have ‘feedback fear’ to some degree. Don’t get me wrong, everyone likes to be told what we’re doing well. What we don’t like is being told what we can do better. And, this even applies to those individuals who claim they ‘love’ constructive feedback. Truth be told, we all have […]

Oops, I Screwed Up!
I don’t know about you but I have many, many priorities . . . and many, many people I’m personally responsible for. It’s not an excuse, it’s a fact. Keeping track of different emails and texts can be a challenge, especially if people have common names and common phone numbers. And in the spur of […]

‘Emotional Intelligence’: Do You Have It?
You are on an airplane that suddenly hits extremely bad turbulence and begins rocking from side to side. What do you do? Continue to read your book or magazine, or watch the movie, trying to pay little attention to the turbulence. Become vigilant for an emergency, carefully monitoring the cabin staff and reading the emergency […]

What Makes Someone ‘Coachable?’
As a leadership and executive coach, I’m often called in to ‘help’ incumbent leaders ‘’grow’ into their roles. Said differently, organizations are unhappy with the performance of these leaders and are ‘hoping’ that I can get their performance on track. Don’t get me wrong, this is what I love to do which is why I’ve […]

The Ten “R’s” of Great Leadership
Forget about ‘readin’, writin’ and ‘rithmetic,’ let’s talk about the 10 “R’s” that differentiate great leadership, in Corporate America, from figureheads with titles. How’s that for a blunt opening! Actually, great leadership could be characterized by probably any letter of the alphabet, but there are so many on- point “R” words as you’ll see. I […]