Welcome to Rubi’s First Guest Blog. Today, we are featuring Kathy Gingrich Lubbers, a highly talented and insightful Certified SAOL™ Consultant with The Rubi Ho Group. Enjoy! The best present you can give is your presence.” – Anonymous Hmmm. Now that’s a thought-provoker. Whether you’re a parent challenged in finding more time with your kids […]
Category: Leadership Worth Sharing Blog

My Company ‘Under-Values’ Me
The feeling of being under-valued is undoubtedly one of the most sensitive topics within the realm of organizational health. And it’s also one of the most common. Most consultants prefer to side-step it because it is an area fraught with emotion, unmet expectations and vastly differing perceptions. But that’s exactly why we must address it […]

Is It A “Performance” Or “Conformance” Issue?
I worked with a client who was a dynamo in Sales. She truly could sell you a ‘pet rock’ and a month’s supply of food to feed it! Needless to say, her customers loved her. And her company loved her. Every year, she consistently received the company’s premier ‘President’s Award’ reserved for top sales performers. […]

Your “Why” Must Outweigh Your “What!”
During our “Escape” from Vietnam, my mom had to leave two of my sisters behind. They were only 13 and 14 years old. Why? Waiting any longer would have meant none of us would have made it to “freedom.” There was just no time and she instinctively knew it was a sacrifice she had to […]

Ignore Your Staff And Watch Employee Engagement Plummet To 2%
Yes, you read correctly – 2%! This shocking statistic was reported in a recent Gallup poll that found employee engagement drops to an astounding 2% when employees feel ignored by their managers. Even more shocking, this poll was in response to a new organizational theory called holacracy where organizations completely eliminate the role of managers. […]

Adversity Breeds True Leadership…Period!
My mom was a great leader. She was a farm girl. Never had a diploma to her name. Had 10 kids by the time she was 32. And passed away by the time she was 42. I was 12. But within that time frame, she managed to bring 8 of her 10 kids out of […]

Driven By Fear – Been There? Still There?
When I first started consulting, I admit there was a large part of me that was absolutely driven by fear. Being my primary source of income and the principal income earner for the family, there was “no room for error.” What if I say something that might offend the person who hired me? What if […]

Doing “What’s Right” Despite Making Others Unhappy – 6 Key Principles To Live By
Have you ever been caught between a ‘rock and a hard place,’ having to make a choice between ‘doing what’s right’ versus ‘making someone happy?’ I know I have. And I’m here to tell you that I have waffled between both sides, not always being consistent with the path I’ve chosen. What I painfully came […]

Your Personal Health Depends On The Health Of Your Organization…Really
I can already feel you shaking your head “yes” as you sadly relate to the title of this blog. We’ve all been there . . . a part of corporations, teams or departments that are misaligned and unhealthy in some way. As a result, business priorities and sense of direction may be in chaos or […]