About Duana Patton
Duana Patton has 30 years in the non-profit sector where she has held leadership positions in human resources, finance and compliance. She is currently the CEO of the Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging, Inc. and President/CEO of the Area Agency on Aging Foundation, which she co-founded in 2011. Duana is responsible for all facets of the organization. She has a proven track record for growing business and developing teams. Duana has successfully lead the Area Agency through two successful levy campaigns and was instrumental in the of acquisition of a vacant property that the Agency’s Foundation renovated. That location, now valued at 4 million dollars, is the home to the Area Agency.

Duana values people and community. She is a Certified Speaker and enjoys presenting on topics such as connecting/networking, board governance, customer service and leadership. Duana serves on several local and state boards including, the Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging, Direction Home, LLC, and North Central State College Foundation. She is a member of Rotary, Eastern Stars and the Chamber of Commerce.
Duana holds an MBA in Health Care from Western Governor’s University.
Duana and her husband of 28 years live in Galion Ohio where they raised there now grown twin daughters, Tara and Tiffany.
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