Wake up! How to Win in Life and Work
Too many people in life and work are just ‘going through the motions’ in life and at work. Is that you or your people? Learn what it takes to ‘wake up’ AND win in both life AND work!

Invite Rubi Ho to Speak
Rubi Ho is a compelling motivational speaker. From his childhood survival of the fall of Saigon to his determination to succeed in his newly adopted, and not always welcoming, culture, Rubi mixes his own experiences with extensive knowledge of leadership behavior and achieving one’s highest potential. A potential list of topics follows.
How to Win in A V.U.C.A. World…Together!
Reality is the world is getting MORE complicated and MORE competitive, NOT less! Only those organizations who know how to WIN together will survive and still be here 5 years from now.
Rubi shares 10 key principles of how to truly WIN TOGETHER in a Volatile, Unpredictable, Complex and Ambiguous World.
This is a must-hear topic for every organization struggling to maintain their competitive edge.

Why Organizational Health and Performance is So Relevant for Success!
David Ramsey’s signature line is “business is easy, until people get involved.” The bottom line is that we are at work MORE than we are at home. If our work is NOT healthy, WE are not healthy!
Learn what Rubi calls the naturally unhealthy state of today’s organizational structure and the issues it creates.
This is a critical-thinking discussion designed to create a healthy, high performing organization AND enhance your employees’ health.
The Dichotomy Between Taking Care Employees vs Taking care of the Company: Which one is more important?
It’s a fine line between “taking care of your company” and “taking care of your employees.” It’s NOT only about financial health and profit, it’s also about fulfilling what Rubi calls, “the human value equation.”
What matters MOST to companies? What matters MOST to employees? Can we find that respectful balance?
Invite Rubi to learn what it takes to strike that “fine line balance” where BOTH Company AND Employees win!
Speaker Request Form
Recent Speaking Engagements
Audience: Area on Aging
Topic: Organizational Health, Performance and YOU